What is a T-Test?

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A T-Test is a hypothesis test that we use in statistics to compare two data sets’ respective means. It is a kind of inferential statistics. It concludes if there is a significant difference between the two groups’ means, which otherwise could be related to a few attributes. For example, you can use a t-test to …

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When to Use T-Test vs. Z-Test

t-test, z-test, calculator, t-test assumptions, student t-test, t-test calculation, t-distribution table, Parametric test:, Non-parametric test

A hypothesis is an assumption of a scenario that is rejected or accepted based on the test result. There are two kinds of hypothesis testing method: Parametric test: variables are measured on an interval scale Non-parametric test: variables are measured on an ordinal scale There are two types of tests in a parametric test – …

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How To Do T-Test?

t-test, calculator, ms excel, t-test assumptions, student t-test, t-test calculation, t-distribution table

In this article, we will achieve a clear understanding of  The definition of t-test, different terminologies/ factors involved in conducting t-test like mean, variance, standard deviation, significance level, degree of freedom, t-value, and p-value, assumptions for t-test calculation, different kinds of t-tests, how to do the test for each kind of t-test, and how we …

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t-test, calculator, t-test calculator, statistics, hypothesis testing tool, One-sample t-test, Two-sample unpaired t-test, Paired t-test

In this article, we will get a piece of in-depth knowledge on: What is a T-test, and what are the different kinds of the t-test? What are the steps of calculating a t-test? How can you calculate the t-test using our t-test calculator? What is a T-test? In statistics, a t-test is used to compare …

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Best Graphing Calculators 2021: In-Depth Buyer’s Guide

Graphing Calculator Buyers Guide

If you are a parent of a high school student, your child’s math teacher is probably requesting a mandatory unique calculator. Regardless if the math is Algebra, Geometry, or Trig, a specific calculator will be required for the student to complete the work successfully. At first, you may be confused as to which calculator is …

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What Was Used Before Calculators?

Abacus Counting Board Old Math

Humans have been counting, calculating, and charting since the beginning of time. At first they used their fingers and then such things as piles of pebbles, bundles of twigs, and simple mechanical devices like the revolutionary abacus. It is hard to imagine a time when we all didn’t have a calculator in our school bag …

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Are TI Graphing Calculators Obsolete?

Texas Instruments (TI) graphing calculators are virtually unchanged over the years, leading many industry observers to wonder if they are now obsolete. Judging from their enduring popularity, however, it seems that these reliable dinosaurs are here to stay, at least for the foreseeable future. A Throwback to the Pre-Digital Era The TI graphing calculator is …

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TI Graphing Calculator: Profit Margins

The TI Graphing Calculator: A dominantly stable, profitable product. In 2009 the Wall Street Journal ran an article which describes that approximately 80% of the graphing calculators sold in the USA were made by Texas Instruments (TI). By contrast, competitor Hewlett-Packard (HP) had less than a 5% stake in the graphing calculator market. The story …

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History of Graphing Calculators

Texas Instruments SR 10 It’s easy to forget, when the calculators that are sold in big-box stores across the land, blister-packed in plastic, can perform the most ferociously complex calculations — and display the results in the form of a clear, easily-read graph — that there was a time when even a calculator that could …

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Graphing Explicit vs Implicit Equations

There has been a lot of interest in licensing meta calculator. Our company, Engaging Edu, has licensed various IP over the last few years, and, of late, our scientific/graphing calc  has been in hot demand–whether it’s from companies that want to buy it or companies that want to license it. A recurring issue in the process …

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